Name of Medicine, Dose to be given twice daily (BD) thrice daily (TDS) or to be applied Locally is given. To be given with water/ honey or other medicine is also given.
           List of Disease is on the left side of blog. Just click & see.
DISCLAIMER: This site is not responsible for any harmful effects as Any medicine gives less or more relief in same disease, vary from patient to patient.Take the medicine in the supervision of your Ayurvedic medical practitioner only.

Yoga is a physicalmental, and spiritual practice or discipline, that aims to transform body and mind. First of all SURYA NAMASKAR is done 5 times to relax the body.
Breathe deep & Do not over exert while doing Yoga exercises. 
Acupressure is the art of treating diseases by applying pressure on specific points on the hand/feet with thumb or blunt things. Daily 10 minutes pressing palms/soles helps prevention of disease setting.
Relaxing is most important to gain the patient’s confidence. Let the patient wash his hands / feet and dry it. Take some talcum powder and gently massage the hands / feet & ask the patient to breathe deeply.
The pressure applied is just enough to you feel it. But on all the points of the endocrine glands, deeper pressure is to be applied by keeping thumb vertical, whereas on all other points thumb is to be kept horizontal.
For the treatment of any disease or organ, Intermittent Pressure should be applied like pumping for 2 to 3 minutes at a time and repeated three times a day. The treatment should be given daily till the pain on the point subsides.